Incorporating ESG into your research process

Sustainable investing is establishing itself as a priority for the funds industry. We help investment managers overcome the complexity and turn ESG talk into action

How Can We Help?

Data sourcing

Applying the same factors across your entire investable universe is ineffective. We help you source, integrate and analyse new, alternative data sets to increase validity.

Customise and normalise

What are your goals? Why are you integrating ESG? We get to the heart of these questions and customise ESG factors to ensure they are fitting and appropriate.

Overlay and integrate

Context is crucially important. Country, sector, industry and business model should be accounted for in ESG scoring.  After validation, we  incorporate these into your process.

A forward-looking, strategically aligned process

Sustainable investing is establishing itself as a priority for the funds industry and it’s important for you to consider how to capitalise on the opportunities it presents.

Because there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution, we understand that turning ESG talk into action can be full of challenges for investment managers.
Applying the same third-party data sets across your entire investable universe is ineffective – especially when you consider those factors are often binary, procedural and un-audited self-disclosures.

We take a structured approach to navigate ESG challenges and integrate a forward-looking process that’s strategically aligned with your core values and supports your sustainable investment decision making.

We are happy to discuss the most recent trends and initiatives in the ESG investment space and how you might be able to capitalise on opportunities. Contact us if you’d like to learn more about our ESG framework.

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